Ultra Safe SRLs

Self-Retracting Lifelines & Fall Protection Lanyards

Self-retracting lanyards (SRLs) and fall protection lanyards are vital for the safety of workers at heights. They connect a fall harness to an anchor point, preventing freefall accidents. SRLs have a housing that dispenses and retracts lifeline material, automatically locking in case of a fall. This improves safety and efficiency by eliminating manual adjustments. Shock-absorbing lanyards reduce the impact on the body during falls, minimizing the risk of injuries. Positioning and restraint lanyards maintain proper worker positioning, keeping hands free and reducing fatigue during long periods of work. In summary, SRLs, shock-absorbing lanyards, and positioning/restraint lanyards create a safe and efficient working environment at heights. Employers can effectively mitigate risks and prioritize worker well-being by combining these essential tools.

Self-Retracting Lifelines & Fall Protection Lanyards


Price $42 - $970


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