Safety Pole Media
Safety Pole Introduction and Installation Videos in English and Spanish
English Installation
Spanish Installation
Timelapse Installation
Animated Installation
The Economics of Safety
Safety in the workplace is often seen as a necessary cost, but did you know that investing in robust safety measures can actually drive significant financial benefits for your business? In this video, we'll explore the surprising economics of workplace safety and why prioritizing worker well-being is a smart strategic move.
2003 Safety Pole Promo
Our Clients using the Safety Pole
Our Clients using the Safety Pole
JL Schwieters Safety Program
DNA Construction Safety Program
Hi there. I am Jase Franke, COO of Safety Pole. Builders across the USA are using the all-new, patented Safety Pole System. Our peoduct meets OSHA’s requirements for fall arrest and protects workers during all phases of the framing process.
Whether you are installing exterior walls, setting the roof trusses, sheathing the roof, or installing fascia, the Safety Pole System provides one simple, convenient, and complete solution to meet your requirements for fall arrest.
Additionally, our product is cost-effective. No longer do you continually need to stock, repair, and replace over 30 different scaffolding parts. No longer does it take you a full day to complete the setup and take-down processes. Please contact me direct if you have any further questions.
Contact Safety Pole
The Safety Pole SystemÂ
Meets Your Fall Protection
Framing Needs